gsqlcmd Service Options
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gsqlcmd Service Options


Use this option to print the command line arguments to the console.


Use this option to print input file names to the console.

For example:

gsqlcmd convert input\*.csv data.csv /echoInputFile


Use this option to print output file names to the console.

For example:

gsqlcmd download @sitemap.txt *.htm /echoOutputFile


Use this option to print the actual /postData option value to the console.

For example:

gsqlcmd download https://localhost/crm/contacts /method=POST /postData=contact.json


Use this option to print downloaded URLs to the console.

For example:

gsqlcmd download @sitemap.txt *.htm /echoUrl


Use this option to set the maximum width of the echo lines.

For example:

gsqlcmd download @sitemap.txt *.htm /echoUrl /echoWidth=80


Use this option to hide the console window during the command execution.


Use this option to minimize the console window during the command execution.


Use this option to open the output file at the end of processing.

For example:

gsqlcmd exec db "SELECT * FROM dbo.cashbook" cashbook.htm /openOutput