gsqlcmd SQL Request Options
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gsqlcmd SQL Request Options


Use this option to change the command execution timeout.


Use this option to change the server connection timeout.


Use this option to disable the transaction mode.

You can turn off the transaction mode, for example, for deleting database objects using scripts.

Otherwise, the server rollbacks the transaction if any of the deleted objects does not exist.


Use this option to suppress the output of warning messages to the console.


Use this option to check how gsqlcmd parses SQL scripts into SQL commands in the exec mode.

For example:

gsqlcmd exec db script.sql /parse


Use this option to get the final script that would be executed in the exec mode.

For example:

gsqlcmd exec db script.sql /prepare /set=param1=value1;param2=value2

You can execute the result code in the exec mode or using another tool.


Use this option to turn on tracing SQL commands sent to a server.

By default, gsqlcmd writes trace messages to the console.

You can define a log file in gsqlcmd.exe.config located in the gsqlcmd home directory.