Getting Started with Developer Guide

Getting Started with Developer Guide

This guide shows how to configure the SaveToDB add-in, DBEdit, DBGate, and ODataDB.

All the products allow getting data from databases and saving changes back to tables and views by default.

All the products use the same server-side configuration that allows configuring product features like

  • saving changes using stored procedures or custom SQL commands,
  • saving or preventing changes using cell change handlers,
  • getting value lists for cells and parameters,
  • executing context drill-down queries,
  • translating column names, parameters, and data,
  • and much more.

Once configuring an application, you can use Microsoft Excel, Windows app, or a browser as a database client.

The SaveToDB add-in supports OData and REST API everywhere like other database objects.

You can configure the add-in to get a full-featured REST API application with Microsoft Excel.

Moreover, you can connect with SaveToDB to databases directly or using ODataDB or DBGate as a proxy.

Read these topics to start: