DBGate Endpoints

DBGate Endpoints

DBGate serves three types of endpoints:

  • Static files
  • API endpoints
  • Edit page endpoints

Static Files

You can place static files in the wwwroot subfolder.

DBGate includes such files to allow getting and editing database data using a built-in JavaScript client.

API Endpoints

DBGate creates a set of endpoints for each connection specified in the appsettings.json file:

  • <domain>/<API root>/<connection name>/
  • <domain>/<API root>/<connection name>/<schema name>/
  • <domain>/<API root>/<connection name>/<schema name>/<language>/
  • <domain>/<API root>/<connection name>/<language>/

You can customize the API root in the appsettings.json file.

Endpoint examples:

Edit Page Endpoints

DBGate creates endpoints for each edit root specified in the EditRoots setting in the appsettings.json file:

  • <domain>/<edit root>/<connection name>/
  • <domain>/<edit root>/<connection name>/<schema name>/
  • <domain>/<edit root>/<connection name>/<schema name>/<language>/
  • <domain>/<edit root>/<connection name>/<language>/

DBGate returns the edit page content for any URL that starts with the edit root.

For example:

This feature allows using the window.location.href value in the edit page to calculate an actual API URL.