Getting Started with DBGate

Getting Started with DBGate

DBGate is a cross-platform application that allows viewing and editing database data in a browser.

Its server-side ASP.NET Core application implements a REST service that does the following:

  • It selects data from tables and views via GET.
  • It executes stored procedures that return data via GET.
  • It inserts, updates, and deletes data from tables and views via POST, PUT, and DELETE.
  • It executes stored procedures that modify data via POST, PUT, and DELETE.

To create a service, add a named connection string to the application settings.

DBGate creates a model for all available tables, views, and stored procedures reading the database metadata.

It supports SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, DB2, NuoDB, and SQLite on Windows and Linux.

For example, this sample service is configured using the 'mssql-023' connection string:

DBGate also includes a JavaScript client available at the /edit/ endpoint like the following:

Here is a sample screenshot of the client:

DBGate Samples - s02.usp_cashbook2

You can load data from tables, views, and stored procedures. You can edit data and save changes back.

We believe that DBGate revolutionary changes the in-house application development
because creating well-designed databases is enough to deliver corporate web applications.

You can get the first results quickly. Take a look at these articles:

Database developers can customize API models and JavaScript client features. See more details here: