Connecting to Databases with SaveToDB Add-in

Connecting to Databases with SaveToDB Add-in


Today we discuss how to connect to a database.

You will connect to a cloud Microsoft SQL Azure Database.

Please download and open in Microsoft Excel the following workbook (10 KB)

Open the Database tab, click Wizards, Connection Wizard.

You will see the dialog box like this:

Data Connection Wizard

The example workbook has configured connection parameters.

As a result, you see filled fields. Just click Next, Finish, and OK in every step.

You will get a connected table like this:

Connected Table Example

Try to edit data and click the Save button.

You can connect to your tables and views, edit data, and save the changes.

We have learned how to connect to a database and save changes back to a database.

In the next letters, we will discuss advanced features.

Best regards,

Sergey Vaselenko
CEO | Gartle LLC